Some Reference Material

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Making Holes in Panzers


Range inspector says "Range closed for napping"

But let us consider a Panzer IVh and a Soviet 45mm M2 anti-tank gun.  The Panzer IVh is a Strong AFV with a frontal armor of 6.  We will assume that everyone is regular.

The panzer moves up within 12" (but not by pre-measuring), where it can sport the Class I gun stationary in the open.  The Soviets engage in opportunity fire in the hopes that the Germans will not get a chance to fire in general fire.

AT 12", the 45L66 (a late version of the weapon, so not a popgun) has to hit of 5 and penetration of 6.  ROF 2 and +1 for opportunity fire for 3 shots.  At 5 or less to hit that's and 87% chance of at least one hit.  So lets assume a hit.

We then roll again [19] for the result (of each hit).  Penetration 6 vs armor 6 is 0, plus the result of our D10 roll can give

  • Roll 1-3 and no effect
  • Roll 4-6 and the panzer is forced back -- full BMA or until in cover
  • Roll 7-10 and it's a dead tank (platoon that is)
If the gun was a somewhat more popgun-like M32/37, the 46L46 penetration is only 5 at the same range, changing our potential result to

  • Roll 1-4 and no effect
  • Roll 5-7 and the panzer is forced back -- full BMA or until in cover
  • Roll 8-10 and it's a dead tank
Note that regardless of raw penetration value (greater than 0) a 10 always kills at close range and at least forces back at medium and longer ranges.

A note on knocked out vehicles; the smoke blocks roads for movement but they do not block line to sight.  They are instead Open Blocking Terrain [11.2.3].

Next time I will look at how artillery works.

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